
Thursday, June 2, 2011

My son's Journey as a Hearing Impaired Child

My son (AKA Goalie Boy)  is 8 years old...9 at the end of July.  He has gone through a lot in his few short years.  Nothing overly traumatic mentally, emotionally or physically but enough.  Much of what he deals with on a daily basis is invisible to the naked eye.  Because of this he falls through the educational cracks.  Learning does not come easy for him yet it is not impossible.  He is on grade level or just below so he just gets shuffled through.  I'm thankful his issues are not major and I know how hard it is for children and their parents that do struggle with that.  It does break my heart though that he is passed over because he is not a "worse" case.  It's like they are herding him along and it's not their fault if he struggles.
See, Goalie Boy is hearing impaired. He also has tinnitus in both ears.  His audiologist believes he has Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) but it can not be proven because of his hearing impairment.  He also has focusing and anxiety issues.  He has had 3 ear tube surgeries (2 to put tubes in, 1 to remove them).  He currently has a loaner hearing aid and we are getting 2 new ones in the next few weeks (can't wait to post more on that later!). Without more "labels" and testing the school will only help him so much.  It's a shame.  On his IEP it is noted that he is a distraction to himself and others.  It states that he has trouble focusing.  It says that he is a sweet boy and wants to learn.'s all in black and white but they won't provide him with counseling or a 2 on 1 para to keep him on track.  They even state...he's eager to please and wants to learn.  So help him!!!  He internalizes many of his feelings and his frustrations don't come out until he's at home.  He's either temperamental or argumentative or he'll have nightmares/night terrors.  I guess if he had his emotional outbursts/breakdowns at school they would help him.  I agree, he's not bad.  He's getting by.  However, with the right support and guidance he wouldn't just be "getting by".  He would be shining to his potential and soaring with confidence.  Don't we want that for all children?!  Shouldn't they all be given the tools they need to help them achieve just that?  It's so sad.
I am creating this blog to track his journey.  I want to share his struggles and his triumphs.  I will post about the background on his story.  You will learn about his past, present and our hopes for the future.  I hope you'll come along with me for the ride.  I hope this will reach others who are struggling to learn what works and doesn't work for their child.  I have learned a lot about the twisting, winding road of the educational system and am still learning.  I will share my knowledge, my frustrations and triumphs. 
Please share with me any advice, insight, support or questions you may have.  As parents, siblings, friends and other family members...we're all in this together. 


  1. Sounds like your boy has been through so much. Thank you for sharing his story with all of us, hope I can provide some support to you by listening/reading!

  2. He has, though I know it's "mild" compared to so many others. It doesnt make it easier or less frustrating for him. Thank you for your support and being here.

  3. Oh, I hope your son can get the help he deserves from his school. I admire you for being a strong mother for Goalie Boy. All this is just a phase. And in no time, everything will go your son's way.

  4. Thank you Rebecca! Its an uphill battle but one worth fighting. Hopefully one day we will have all the answers.
